What your HEART do for you?

The heart is a pump. The function of this pump is very vital as it determines the existence of all life. Does not exceed the size of the heart of your fist, but incredibly powerful. Every day, your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood through the body. To discover more about this stunning system just click on any of the following processes and looking at how does your heart work out...

heart, heart informations, heart cardiac cycle

Cardiac cycle
From the beginning of the heartbeat and even one of the following is called the cardiac cycle. Consists cardiac cycle of the period of constriction and the period of diastole followed. Every body During stage systolic Inaqbd ventricles pump blood to the lungs.During diastole relaxes the heart, allowing blood to return to the ventricles. When an adult right , pulsing heart of 60 and up to 80 beats per minute, so cardiac cycle takes about 0.8 seconds.
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About angelina Moly

I m moly aneglina and doing blogging since 2 years when i found my deep interest in writing and searching. I try to make good article for my readers and visitors.
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