Migraine Cause and Remedy

Migraine causes and Methods of treatment

Cambridge Massachusetts American Middle East
Dr. Paul Rizzoli, is director of the Center John Graham of headache in hospital Faulkner, located in the city of Boston, has co-authored a book The migraines
solution" a complete guide to diagnosis, treatment and pain management, published by University Press of Harvard Medical School in collaboration with Dar St. Martin's Press for publication. 

What is the definition of migraines?

Definition of migraine headaches (Migraine) source word from the Greek word ( Hemicrania ) and mean, literal translation: half of the skull(
half the head). The name is derived from one of the features of migraine, since migraine usually affects half of the head. It is a chronic disease that manifests itself in frequent cases of headache, accompanied by physical and psychological phenomena, too. It is a common disease in about 12% of people.

Definitions can be classified as migraine headaches into two types: migraine without aura, which is the most common type, up to 66% of migraine attacks are with neighboring Aura and formerly known as classic sister. Has identified the International Society for headache (International headache society) the definition of migraine according to the following indicators:

1. injured patient in five bouts in a typical characteristic of his life.
2. migraine lasts from 4 hours to 72 hours.
3. features include pain two advantages, at least, of the following:
  • (a) the concentration of the pain in only one side (unilateral).
  • (b) shows the pain as if pulse.
  • (c) be moderate until a sharp pain.
  • (d) exacerbated the pain when the practice of physical effort.
4. through Nubia, the patient suffers from one, at least, of the following symptoms: 
  • (a) nausea, vomiting, or both.
  • (b) sensitivity to light or noise.

The spread of the disease: 

Migraine causes and Methods of treatment, treatment of headache, migrain headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or noise, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to noise, unilateral, disease, western countrie disease, migrain prevalence, Cambridge Massachusetts, American Middle East, american, middle east, cambrigde school, Dr. Paul Rizzoli,the Center John Graham of headache, Faulkner, the city of Boston, migrain book. The migraines solution, a complete guide to diagnosis, treatment, pain management, University Press of Harvard Medical School, Dar St. Martin's, mantel health, mantel, self help, help of mind, mind relax, remedy of headache, lemon, kale leaves, leaves of kale, cucumber, lemon, juice of migrain, migrain remedy juice, green juice, pineapple juice
Spreads migraines are a very large population of Western countries have suffered 18% of women and 6% of men, at least, of a migraine once, at least. 60% - 70% of those who suffer from migraines are women. Before the age of puberty, the proportion of migraine prevalence is about 4% and then increase their spread, at a later stage, especially among girls until the age of 40 years. After the age of 40 years, and with advancing age, starts a decrease in migraines. Prevalence is highest among women aged between 25 and 55 years old. Migraine does not endanger the lives of patients at risk, but cause great harm to the quality of life and its natural course, cause the loss of working days and material losses.

Here is the simple migraine relief remedy :-
There are many medicines, pills, balm, gell and other types of massges using for defens your self from migrain Army ;) but this is the one i like the most full of energetic and refreshing flavor with all the herbs that relief in headache

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