Eat Some Veggie as RAW

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The new healthy lifestyle fad is the raw food diet.As the name suggests this diet allows only "living" or raw, uncooked and unprocessed food.the raw food diet, also referred to as 'raw-ism', is not a weight loss plan but a lifestyle choice based on the belief that a high-enzyme diet leads to optimal health.

This is how it works:enzymes which aid digestion are already present in raw foods; however, cooking food at high temperatures destroys these enzymes and the body has to produce is believed that the dual processes of manufacturing enzymes and digestion put excessive pressure on the body.Additionally high temperatures diminish the nutritional value and 'life force'of food.the raw food diet is a lifestyle choice requiring a good deal of commitment, know-how in preparing nutritionally balanced meals and special kitchen equipment( especially dehydrators). 

Despite all this,the diet is gaining popularity and has several benefits, including anti-aging properties, physical performance benefits and weight loss. For an increasing number of people, this diet is also a way of fitting in with a green lifestyle. 

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Typically made up of 75% fruit and vegetables, dietary staples include beans, dried fruit, nuts, seaweed, sprouts and whole grains. Most 'rawists' are also vegans (they don't consume animal products), but some do eat raw eggs and cheese made from unpasteurized milk.Alcohol, caffeine and refined sugars are taboo.

Although it has a host of benefits, the diet  low in certain nutrients and care has to be taken to avoid deficiency in any one of them.The American dietetic-association suggests 'rawists' eat twice as much iron as non vegetarians and at least eight servings of calcium-rich foods daily. Particular care should be taken to consume foods rich in B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are mostly found in meat and animal products. In some case a supplement is recommended. As always, before trying out any diet consult your physician.

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About angelina Moly

I m moly aneglina and doing blogging since 2 years when i found my deep interest in writing and searching. I try to make good article for my readers and visitors.
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