Beautiful Purple sea Sponges

Sponges used by humans are the type of  Demo-sponges , belonging to the general Hippo-sponge and Eu-sponge. Hippo-sponge has large holes, it is rather coarse texture and is particularly suitable for domestic use.For example,This is excellent Sponge and soft to the touch and also in use.Eu-sponge is also found on the coasts of Syria and Greece heavier than the previous species, it is used for washing and the porcelain factories and optical

Sponge fishing is done in different ways.Fishing diving (with air hose) is also practiced. Divers are often two to four hours in the water. On the coast of Syria, divers down to 30 to 40 meters along a rope and harvest animals by hand. In many places in the Mediterranean and on the flat of the West Indies coast, shallow fishing is spear.

Some of the parts of our body skin become so rough and tough. the uses of chemical products and other stuff make so much differences in our natural skin. The skin start to become dull and rough cause of high amount of law quality chemical products which are so harmful for our body skin. That is why mostly people love organic products which are highly made up of natural ingredients. face and hands are the parts which we care a lot. But the body which are covered we did not give attention. The skin of knees and elbows are the most affected parts. Specially in my case i am so worried about my knees which are totally rough and tough. Now i m using these sponges for removing my death skin which are on my knees. I m noticing very vivid difference now. All the rough part of the knees skin now going to fade time by time and skin now energetically refresh and smooth. 

There are many types of sponges in the market that you can buy. bath without sponges are not good to take. Its better to clean your whole body skin with the soft and clean sponge so your skin and body looks clean without any death skin over it. You feel confidence to wear any kind of dress.

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About angelina Moly

I m moly aneglina and doing blogging since 2 years when i found my deep interest in writing and searching. I try to make good article for my readers and visitors.
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